Journal 4/5-6, 2012

Yes it was bitterly cold today, and looks like this weekend as well.
Hopefully Reba can bring some California sunshine and warmth when she

I am always thankful for our 迦勒團契和长青團契 members. They are also the
best students in Sunday school classes, always on time and attentive.
Let me take this opportunity to thank them for their faithfulness and

Good Friday in East Germany was quite different from Holland. Being a
public holiday and with the weather, most people are indoors and the
streets are almost empty. And yet I was happily surprised when I
arrived at the meeting place for the fellowship. The meeting was
supposed to begin at 7:00 pm, but when I arrived at 6:30 I heard
singing voices. They have a choir practice beginning at 6:00 pm; a
young brother was the pianist and they are trying to sing parts in
Amazing Grace. As many as 11 people were in the choir and by the
sound of it they enjoyed singing very much. By 7 pm over 20 people
have gathered, and I found out only one is a seeker. After Bible
study he asked a question about what qualifies a sinner. I happened
to have prepared a special topic on ‘Sinning and violating the law’
for Halle’s meeting, so was able to answer his questions. I believe
the Holy Spirit was working to His glory. Unfortunately I have to
leave to catch the train so was not able to wrap up the discussion,
but hopefully will see him again next Friday. Please pray for him, I
have the name list but don’t know which one is him.

