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李明 牧師 Pastor Ming Li

李明牧師在中國大陸的一個基督徒家庭出生和長大,2008年讀大學期間蒙神呼召,2009年至2014年間,在柬埔寨讀神學和宣教,2014年秋進入加州威敏斯德神學院(Westminster Seminary California)繼續接受裝備,2017年5月順利畢業,獲得道學碩士(Master of Divinity)學位。2017年9月通過美國長老會(PCA)的按牧考試,被按立為牧師,並開始在聖地牙哥華人歸正教會全職牧會直到2020年9月。自2021年1月起,李明牧師接任千橡城基督教會的國語堂牧師。李牧師與師母晶晶于2011年結婚, 育有兩子恩恒、恩宣。

Born and raised in a Christian family in mainland China, Pastor Ming Li was called by God in 2008 while attending college, and studied theology and missions in Cambodia from 2009 to 2014. He entered Westminster Seminary California (WSC) in the fall of 2014 to be further equipped and successfully graduated in May 2017 with a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) degree. In September 2017, he passed the ordination exam by the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and was ordained as a pastor, and began full-time ministry at Chinese Reformed Church of San Diego until September 2020. Pastor Ming Li has been the Mandarin Ministry Pastor at the Chinese Christian Church of Thousand Oaks (CCCTO) since January 2021. Pastor Li and his wife Jing Jing were married in 2011 and have two sons, Isaac and Isaiah.

姚文棣 長老 Elder Steve Yao

馬驥 長老 Elder Ji Ma