讚美之泉敬拜之夜停辦 Music Worship Evangelism at Calvary has been cancelled


我們非常遺憾的告訴大家,原定於2020年2月1日在康谷地區舉辦的農曆新年讚 美之泉音樂會,由於近期新型冠狀病毒疫情升高,決定取消, 敬請見諒!

請爲受到病毒災害的人禱告,也請爲處理疫情的各級工作人禱告。願神所賜、出人意 外的平安在基督耶穌裏保守我們的心懷意念!

Calvary Community Church

Dear friends:

We regret to inform you that the Spring Festival Praise Worship Night of the Stream of Praise, scheduled to be held on February 1, 2020 at Calvary Community Church has been canceledl due to the rising concerns over the spread of the coronavirus!

Please pray for those who have been infected or died from the infection. And please pray for those working at all levels to deal with the coronavirus. May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus!

Truly yours,
Conejo Valley Chinese Christian Church
Calvary community Church

讚美之泉音樂事工成立於1993年,1995年在美國加州正式成立 501(c)(3) 非營利機構。1997年在台灣正式登記為讚美之泉文化事業基金會。 讚美之泉自1996年出版第一本敬拜讚美原創【讓讚美飛揚】,承蒙許多人的鼓勵與支持,製作有敬拜讚美專輯、青年敬拜專輯、兒童敬拜專輯、演奏曲精選系列、鋼琴演奏系列、實況錄音錄影、敬拜影音系列。 共 46 張專輯。
